
Products & Services

Racket Models (Cool !!!)
Extreme Power Z-Force
Extreme Power 888
Nano-Matrix Z-9000
EP Junior for Primary 1-5.

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Grips & Shuttles
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Tips & Stringing
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ronald susilo peter gade Lin Dan Taufik Hidayat badminton lee chong wei badminton lee yong daewang shi xiang

Our MISSION is to create new interest and help all players (both male and female) to improve and enjoy badminton to the extreme level. We want to help make badminton affordable to all players. This site is open to all new and experienced badminton players. Due to the interest and dynamics of the game, you will need all the help you can get to make you a better player. Do visit this site again and again to keep yourself at the highest level of this beautiful and elegant sport.

If you need any of the badminton products, feel free to contact us. See the tips section for FREE badminton tips on how to become a better player. This is the first website in the world to provide support and services related to badminton matters.

This site will be enhanced progressively. We appreciate your kindness in visiting and sharing this humble site as well as supporting Extreme Power Badminton. 

badmintonExtreme Power Badminton rackets are made from the finest and quality materials (OEM). Ranging from the latest Extreme Power Z-force Ltd, EP 888, Nano Matrix, Z-9000 to Extreme Power Junior, 18 and 18L; these rackets are carefully chosen  and they are CLASSICs; recommended by existing international, ex-international players and coaches. They are second to none. Just try it. Read more details about each one of these magnificent rackets on the links.

(Worldwide) Agents, managers, coaches, teachers and captains welcome.  If you happen to know anyone who may keen to sell these rackets and grips, please contact me on their behalf.  We appreciate your assistance and thank you. Customized rackets can be made using your own brand with volume.

R u the contender? Wanna spar with me?!COACHING, STRINGING, SHUTTLES, GRIPS & OTHER ACCESSORIESR u the contender? Wanna spar with me?!

Using the finest hand selected goose feathers, these shuttlecocks can easily outlast any shuttles. In fact, the longer you play with this shuttles, the better it feels. Giving you more power, consistent, precise control and flight trajectory. It is a Tournament Grade shuttle and cheaper!

More than 20 years of badminton stringing service available for you. Just take a peek at some of the hard earned trophies won. There are more than that in actual.  I am qualified with NCAP level 2 which is equivalent to degree level with more experience and depth. Most other coaches about 95% of them are only NCAP level 1 which is diploma level. Some don't even have a proper certificate.

We do a comprehensive 1-to-1 badminton coaching. The advantage is that it is more focus and will fast-track you to learn faster. Group coaching is a waste of time and money for serious people! With a University  Degree, Qualified NROC Certified Coach and 20 years of Competitive experience, we can communicate effectively and provide anyone with a high quality performance training at a comfortable pace.  Young, old, male and female are welcome. We don't discriminate. You are never too young, old, lousy or good to learn something new. Once you get the correct strategy to play, you are off to become a happy, confident and a hard to beat player. You will get more respect and really enjoy the game.

A proper coaching session will help you benefit playing the game in the long run (less effort and you know you are doing the right thing in terms of strategy, strokes and footwork), rather than going through the "School of Hard Knocks" (learn from painful mistakes). A good strategy comes from competitive experience players (Some coaches are not competitive and they wouldn't know what strategies are available, they have not gone through a full competitive cycle; some are lazy or just too old to spar with you). We are first to use video analytics to help you improve faster.  Creativity goes a long way.

Click here to see my favourites youtube videos. (Adults coaching, children kids and ladies playlist videos available)

It is  very frustrating when you are not winning the game and not getting the strategies, fundamentals and strokes right. This is our value add to you! You are assured of improving your game through our coaching best practices & methodology in just a few sessions (8-10 sessions should be enough). Re-assured that you'll get satisfaction from sparring with us. Many came back again want more!!! You enjoy winning more games in life and happier. Let the others be looser & miserable.  Extreme Power Badminton academy is the best singapore badminton school you can get
. Do share this website. There's a great saying "With GREAT power comes GREAT responsibility !!!"

For Remote coaching or those not in Singapore or have limited budget, visit this awesome Badminton Coaching site.

Email FOR COACHING SCHEDULES. Alternatively whatsapp to +65-9873-MEXN (same as email. Cool?)

R u the contender? Wanna spar with me?!Again, get the rackets my friend!Please forward this site to your relatives or friends. Thanks!Again, get the rackets lor!  R u the contender? Wanna spar with me?!

If you are serious about PREVENTING Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Diabetics or Pains; Then try this. It is better than Evian waters. Free try. What are you waiting for? Nothing to loose.



Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of the light bulb and so much more, said that 

Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.

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